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Some 40 years of writing…

…means a bucket-load of published works, mostly in print rather than digital form. I’ve added links to a couple of diverse examples, including a book I complied with over 100 children, and the story of the WWII Corsair fighter plane in the above photo, which after a bit of research we discovered on a dive off the coast of Moso Island (my husband is holding the torch on the rudder). Currently, most of my non-fiction writing is for a climate wiki and networking hub Climate Change and Nature.

Journeys Elsewhere

Pre-Covid I did a lot of travelling. A few years ago, I became enamoured with a new toy that vastly expanded my capabilities as a photographer: a Mavic Pro drone. But my son is a far better pilot, so I sat in the back seat when we took it for a test run in a few places around Iceland during winter. Filmed in 4K; recommended 2160p Youtube settings. This may take a while to load if your internet connection is slow.